Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Deluxe Wave 6: These four robots transform into exciting vehicles and combine with Sky Lynx (sold separately...
Build something big! The ongoing struggle between Autobots and Decepticons is about to jump to the next level, with Transformers Generations Combin...
These four robots transform into exciting vehicles and combine with Onslaught and Shockwave (sold separately) to form Bruticus! Each figure include...
Combine with Combiner Wars Deluxe toys to form Betatron and Onslaught! Each figure includes a card and awesome weapons! Transform from vehicle t...
Get ready to build something big with Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Legends Wave 3! Each individually packaged figure has at least two mod...
The newest box set from Hasbro which includes re-paints of some of your favorite Transformers to form Victorion for the Torchbearers Box Set Includ...
These four robots transform into bugs, vehicles, and more! Shockwave becomes a weapon for Bruticus (sold separately)! Cybertronians come armed wit...
These four robots transform into exciting vehicles and combine with Onslaught and Shockwave (sold separately) to form Bruticus! Swindle Blast Off...
Bring home a big, transforming jet from Cybertron! The Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Leader Skywarp stands tall above all Decepticons, and...
Build the next big thing! Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Voyager Wave 4 contains the central core of all combiners - each 8-inch robot tran...
Get ready to build something big with Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Legends Wave 4! Each individually packaged figure has at least two mod...
Build a giant 18-inch-tall Devastator out of Hook, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Long Haul, and Scrapper! Chest ornament splits into three sma...
Hail to the king, baby! The Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Leader Starscream is your new leader, and he stands tall above all Decepticons, ...