As an agent of the Bounty Hunters Guild, Greef Karga secures bounty hunters in pursuit of valuable and rare quarries in the galaxy. Figure includes...
A vapor farmer on Arvala-7, Kuiil came to seek peace in an out-of-the way world, which is now being trespassed upon by criminals and mercenaries. T...
Imperial Moff Gideon is fiercely determined to capture a specific quarry. Clever and formidable, Gideon values power and knowledge. 6-inch figure i...
While searching for the Sith wayfinder, Rey envisions her turn to the dark side. Wielding a double-bladed Lightsaber, her rage and immense power is...
This is the way... to completing your set! The Star Wars Black Series Mandalorian Armorer includes the armored craftsperson and keeper of Mandalori...