From Tamashii Nations. Timed for the upcoming new Star Wars film comes this new release in the Meisho Movie Realization series! The Onmitsu Shadow...
Timed for the upcoming new Star Wars film come three consecutive new releases in the MEISHO MOVIE REALIZATION series! The first is Ronin Jango Fett...
Timed for the upcoming new Star Wars film come three consecutive new releases in the MEISHO MOVIE REALIZATION series! The second is Sohei Darth Mau...
From Bandai Hobby. Everyone's favorite bounty hunter goes medieval! Boba Fett joins the Meisho Movie Realization series in a spectacular feudal Jap...
From Tamashii Nations. Tamashii Nations' Movie Realization brand takes the theme of movies and infuses that concept into high quality figures - wit...