From the latest installment in the franchise, 2018’s The Predator, comes the Assassin in all-new paint deco as he appears in the film’s final scene...
30 years after its release, NECA is celebrating Predator 2’s anniversary with the release of the Ultimate Battle Damaged City Hunter.The figure sta...
Predator 2 expanded the universe that the original film touched upon, introducing us to new yautja such as the City Hunter and more importantly, th...
To commemorate the release of over 100 different Predator figures comes the very first original design and concept by NECA, the Alpha Predator! In ...
Our newest Predator figure is an homage to the classic Kenner Expanded Universe line: Lasershot! Taking inspiration from the 1990s designs, our tea...
Although their scenes were deleted from the final cut of the movie, the Emissary Predators were military Predators who fought alongside the Loonies...
Based on its appearance after it awakens in and escapes from a government research facility, the Fugitive Predator (Lab Escape) stands over 8" tall...
These sturdy 5.5" figures evoke a simpler time when action figures were tossed in the bucket to go to the beach, or left strewn across the stairs...
From NECA. From the 2018 Predator movie, comes the Predator Ultimate Predator 2018 7-Inch Action Figure!
NECA presents our first action figure ever from Dark Horse Comics' "Predator: 1718"! One of the most memorable moments in the 1990 film Predator 2 ...
It's another NECA first - an "Ultimate" action figure two-pack! We've upgraded our first action figures from Dark Horse's Predator: Bad Blood comic...
Broken Tusk originates in the classic 1990s Aliens vs Predator comics, and his epic story arc also includes Machiko Noguchi, a human colonist who p...
Hornhead made his first appearance in Predator: Life & Death, and is a great companion piece to the Ultimate Ahab Predator, also from the curre...
This brand-new version of Ahab is based on his appearance in the Dark Horse comics. We've given our SDCC 2014 exclusive a massive upgrade, equippin...
Introducing a special action figure collection celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the classic Predator movie! We've brought back some out-of-prod...
Allocations May Occur (subject to one per customer) Introducing a special action figure collection celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the classic ...
At long last, the classic Predators are back - and with some huge upgrades! From the original Predator movie, we present the definitive collector's...
NECA's longest running action figure line continues! Series 15 features even more action figure debuts from the 2004 movie Alien vs. Predator. The ...
NECA’s longest running figure collection! Series 14 debuts our first-ever Predators from the 2004 movie Alien vs. Predator. Celtic, Scar and Chop...