Based on its appearance in the 1964 film, Mothra vs Godzilla, Godzilla stands approximately 6" tall and measures 12" long from head to tail. Featur...
NECA is excited to introduce the next iteration for the most famous kaiju in the world, Godzilla! Based on its appearance in the 2003 film, Godzill...
NECA continues to celebrate Godzilla, the most famous kaiju in the world in action figure form! This version of the beloved monster is based on its...
This version of the beloved monster is based on the one-sheet poster for movie's 1956 U.S. release, Godzilla, King of the Monsters! The figure meas...
NECA continues to celebrate the most famous kaiju in the world in action figure form! This version of the beloved monster is based on the 1962 movi...
NECA is thrilled to present its next figure from the upcoming, hotly anticipated Godzilla: King of the Monsters movie! Based on the monster's on-...
NECA is thrilled to present another figure from the upcoming, hotly anticipated Godzilla: King of the Monsters movie! Based on the monster's on-scr...
NECA is thrilled to present its first figures from the upcoming, hotly anticipated Godzilla: King of the Monsters movie! Both are based on their on...
From the blockbuster 2016 movie that returned the classic Godzilla franchise to its roots! This version of the most famous kaiju in the world is ba...
NECA continues to celebrate the most famous kaiju of all time! This version of the beloved monster is based on Godzilla's "Atomic Blast" attack in ...
From the blockbuster 2016 movie that returned the classic Godzilla franchise to its roots! The most famous kaiju in the world measures 6" tall and ...
From the blockbuster 2014 movie that relaunched the classic Godzilla franchise! This 6? tall figure is highly detailed and fully articulated, and 1...