Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam Elite is the newest videogame to pit humans against Xenomorphs in a desperate fight to survive t...
Panther Alien is the newest addition to NECA’s Kenner Tribute line! Drawing inspiration from the classic Expanded Universe Aliens of the early 1990...
NECA's most massive and most ambitious Aliens figure ever is the terrifying Xenomorph Queen from the 1986 Aliens film. She stands over 15 in tall a...
Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam Elite is the newest videogame to pit humans against Xenomorphs in a desperate fight to survive ...
Packaging may differ from photo. The classic 1994 arcade game Aliens vs Predator predates the AVP movie, but what if….? NECA presents the mashup y...
Released to theaters in 1979, Alien became one of the most successful films of the year and has since grown to be a timeless sci-fi classic. To cel...
Space Marine Drake is the newest addition to NECA's Kenner Tribute line! Hailing from the classic Expanded Universe Aliens of the early 1990s, Drak...
We've given a deluxe upgrade to the Xenomorph known to fans as "Big Chap," with an all-new sculpt standing over 9" tall. It has a hinged jaw that o...
The canine Xenomorph has received the deluxe treatment, with an all-new sculpt featuring improved articulation (over 30 points!), including an exte...
We've given a deluxe upgrade to the Xenomorph known to fans as "Big Chap," with an all-new sculpt standing over 22" tall. It has a hinged jaw that ...
From Alien: Resurrection, the fourth movie in the thrilling sci-fi series, the terrifying Queen is the perfect companion piece to the Series 14 and...
These sturdy 5.5" figures evoke a simpler time when action figures were tossed in the bucket to go to the beach, or left strewn across the stairs...
Series 14 of our bestselling Aliens action figures is dedicated to Alien: Resurrection, the fourth movie in the thrilling sci-fi series! It include...
Introducing a new 2-pack of action figures inspired by the classic Alien vs Predator 1994 arcade game that actually predates the movie! Playable ch...
Series 13 in NECA's bestselling Aliens line is dedicated to the classic Kenner Expanded Universe Aliens of the early 1990s! Taking inspiration fr...
From the thrilling Aliens movie, the Warrior Alien gets the "Ultimate" action figure treatment! The assortment includes both blue and brown Aliens....
Series 12 includes Lt. Ellen Ripley (Bomber Jacket), Private Jenette Vasquez (BDUs), and two different Battle-Damaged Aliens Warriors. The Xenomorp...
The set includes the first-ever Carter Burke with the likeness of Paul Reiser, a special edition Concept Aliens Warrior with Dome, and a replica of...
Series 12 includes Lt. Ellen Ripley (Bomber Jacket), Private Jenette Vasquez (BDUs), and two different Battle-Damaged Aliens Warriors.Ripley stands...
Series 12 includes Lt. Ellen Ripley (Bomber Jacket), Private Jenette Vasquez (BDUs), and two different Battle-Damaged Aliens Warriors. Vasquez stan...
From Alien: Covenant, the terrifying new movie directed by Ridley Scott! This screen accurate version of the Neomorph, the horrific new creature in...
Series 11 includes the first-ever Lambert with an authorized likeness, as well as two new Alien figures: one from Dark Horse's Aliens: Defiance com...