Ned Lord of the Pit GN
His career as an actor..... Well, to call it "struggling" is generous.
His girlfriend has begun to bring up the dreaded subjects of marriage and kids. (He's settled on the tried and true tactics of deflection and feigned hysterical deafness.)
His brother has just died. Yeah, he was an ass, but still, y'know, family.
And then there's the fact that he's lost his mind. At least Ned hopes he's lost his mind. What else could explain the hallucinations? This morning, on the streets of Manhattan, he started seeing creatures. Monsters; Grotesqueries; Demons; shambling, crawling or oozing along with the usual NYC sidewalk crowd. No one seems to notice them. But he sees them.
And they see him.
And while some might turn out to be more lost than menacing, a ten foot tall fanged and tentacle-waving nightmare asking for directions to the nearest subway station is no less disturbing. Ned's lost his mind, right? That's what he hopes. Unfortunately...