Inspired by Arc 2 of the Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy, big robots land for the "Earthrise" with these Transformers Generations War for...
The War for Cybertron is on, and heroes and villains join the trip to Earth… like this cool Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Earthrise Le...
Inspired by Arc 2 of the Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy, big robots land for the "Earthrise" with these Transformers Generations War for C...
Hidden within this pack are spoilers for the War for Cybertron series! Fans shouldn't decode the Cybertronian if they don't want key events from th...
The Ultra Magnus toy converts to armored truck mode in 26 steps and includes 12 weapon and armor accessories to build up the figure. Also includes ...