Build Puff Adder! Having served Hydra as far back as World War II, Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker stands as one of Captain America’s longest-living en...
Build Puff Adder! Tony Stark's Extremis Iron Man armor utilizes nanotechnology to allow direct interface between his brain and the armor. It comes ...
Build Puff Adder! Longtime Avenger Simon Williams - Wonder Man! - makes a move out West to join his friends as a founding member of the West-Coast ...
Build Puff Adder! Owen Reece, also known as Molecule Man, possesses near-limitless power to re-order the world around him at the molecular level. A...
Build Puff Adder! Ridiculed for his appearance since his youth, the mercenary known as Orb holds the ironic distinction of being partially responsi...
Build Puff Adder! The Captain America of the Ultimate Universe has served as the Allies' super-soldier in World War II, the leader of the first Ult...
Build Puff Adder! Trained by the spymasters of the infamous Red Room, Yelena Belova is the second operative to take on the role of Black Widow. The...