Release Date, 3.19.2025 While journeying across the desolate plains, the Gunslinger stumbles upon a bizarre carnival filled with oddities and dange...
Release Date, 2.19.2025 Celebrating the Prime Video series adaptation, the third story arc of BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS' groundbreaking crime series re...
Release Date, 3.19.2025 The smash-hit horror anthology based on the hit Shudder TV series continues to CREEP its way into readers' hearts!??In the ...
Release Date, 2.12.2025 Romance + CREEPSHOW? This three-course special is for all the lonely hearts out there! First, murderous MIRKA ANDOLFO (SWE...
Release Date, 2.5.2025 It's 1964, and C.O.W.L.—the world's first superhero labor union—is going national! But powerful forces move in the shadows—a...
Release Date, 2.12.2025 MINISERIES PREMIERESlade Slaymaker is a kid from Alabama suddenly lost in a vicious world beyond his imagining, a world of ...
Release Date, 2.26.2025 Guest-starring JIM VALENTINO’s classic Image vigilante, Shadowhawk! On the eve of the infamous, inaugural “Blood Con,” the ...
Release Date, 2.19.2025 SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tou...
Release Date, 2.19.2025 WONDER WOMAN REJOINS THE FIGHT! After the birth of her daughter, Diana finally returns to the battlefield ready to take dow...
Release Date, 2.5.2025 CAN GOOD HARVEY OUTSMART BAD HARVEY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE? When Scarface is kidnapped, Gotham's underworld is thrown into cha...
Release Date, 2.19.2025 TEMPERS FLARE! Take an overly-emotional empath and add a hearty dose of psychosis, and what do you got? A recipe for disast...
Release Date, 2.12.2025 Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch reunite to tell a tale centered on their favorite superhero. Superman learns Lex Luthor is dying,...
Release Date, 2.26.2025 SUPERWOMAN...LOST IN TIME! As the man of steel battles for the life of his deadliest adversary Doomsday, Superwoman travels...
Release Date, 4.29.2025 IRREDEEMABLE. UNCONTROLLABLE. EXPENDABLE. Meet the Squad: Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Boomerang, King Shark, and a whole lot of...
Release Date, 2.5.2025 THE SUPER SON AND THE POWER OF SHAZAM! A special guest writer stops in to tell a very special one-off story! Jonathan Kent, ...
Release Date, 2.5.2025 SCOOBY AND THE GANG ON TRIAL--FOR MEDDLING?! Mystery Inc. never expected that when they went to investigate a haunted courtr...